For More Information

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General Information

David Long
Phone: (608) 262-3097
Fax: (608) 262-6022


School Enrollment Projections

David Egan-Robertson
Phone: (608) 890-2077

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Our Location

Agricultural Hall Room 316
1450 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706

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Make a Gift to APL

The Fuguitt Fund

The Fuguitt Fund supports professional development activities that help the APL staff develop and maintain knowledge and skills related to emerging research methods, data resources, and technologies.

Donate to the Fuguitt Fund

Opportunities at APL

Internships (Ongoing)

The APL often employs undergraduate interns to work on specific projects. Past internships have included both paid and unpaid positions that support a wide array of research and outreach activities.

For more information please contact David Long.